Looking to educate, inspire and transform your people to become more impactful communicators and fulfil their full potential?

Anthea excels at challenging individuals' narratives about themselves and their potential for success. Everyone has a unique story shaped by their life experiences and perspective. Her aim is to help individuals uncover their story, overcome limiting beliefs and anxiety, and use their voice to make a positive impact in the world.

Looking to educate, inspire and transform your people to become more impactful communicators and fulfil their full potential?

Anthea excels at challenging individuals' narratives about themselves and their potential for success. Everyone has a unique story shaped by their life experiences and perspective. Her aim is to help individuals uncover their story, overcome limiting beliefs and anxiety, and use their voice to make a positive impact in the world.

Looking to educate, inspire and transform your people to become more impactful communicators and fulfil their full potential?

Anthea excels at challenging individuals' narratives about themselves and their potential for success. Everyone has a unique story shaped by their life experiences and perspective. Her aim is to help individuals uncover their story, overcome limiting beliefs and anxiety, and use their voice to make a positive impact in the world.

With more than 20 years of public and private sector training experience, Anthea is able to focus on reshaping your point of view, with immediately applicable tools to change and reshape your mindset.

These tried and tested methods have been built from Anthea’s own experiences throughout everyday life, work, travel and through her photography lens.

Anthea enables you to challenge your own thoughts and offers you new insights to engage you and help you to make the adaptation of life you desire. This is all done through opening up opportunities and freedom to you in your own, personal life.

"There is only growth on the other side of fear."

Sue Curr

Through the Amarkai Group, Anthea offers keynote talks on a variety of themes, that are designed to leave you feeling inspired to think and therefore act to do something different to achieve the outcomes you truly desire.

Rational, with a down to earth sense of humour, Anthea is a bundle of lively energy who stands out, uses her commitment to her craft as a public speaker to add joy and laughter to her way of public speaking. She will leave you feeling spurred, roused and open to probability, long after she's left the stage. At the point when not instructing, preparing or talking, you can discover Anthea cooking or making the rounds with her camera, seeing the world from a new perspective.

The Amarkai Group provides inspirational talks and speaking engagements for business owners, event producers and organisations that want to get a flavour of Anthea’s personality.

At the heart of the sessions delivered to you, Anthea likes to add a little giggle, understanding that it makes any exercise far more memorable.

Anthea believes that a speaker ought to be intelligent in their delivery, engaging, and give incredible substance that is both straightforward and applicable in your day-to-day life.

Anthea brings her experience as an energetic exercise to music class instructor to the table in order to draw in her crowd, conveying quality business solutions and ideas with vibrant energy, laughs and polished methodology.

"I am a walking novel, full of stories that can empower others to

turn the page in their lives."

Anthea Armar

If you are ready to be inspired by the prospect of change then the Amarkai Group Keynote is for you.

"It was a pleasure hearing from you at the experience week at Google, your insights left a lasting impression on me. Wanted to thank you for your inspired words."


growth mindset to build resiience

Adopting a Growth Mindset

Reframing thoughts to see challenges as opportunities resulting in increased motivation, performance and resilience. Utilising Amarkai Group's A.C.T. (Accept. Create. Transform) Framework for accelerated change.

mental health and wellbeing keynote speaker

Mental Health / Wellbeing

Looking at ways to create happy, healthy workforces that enable both people and businesses to thrive. Discussing topics such as burnout, stress, procrastination and building relationships.

leadership skills for business success


Exploring how leaders can inspire their teams to realise their fullest potential and enhance the success of their business through improving their own critical thinking, executive presence, time management and effective communication.

Motivational Speaking

Anthea believes that a great speaker is intelligent in their delivery, engaging, and provides valuable insights that are both clear and applicable to the audience's daily lives. Anthea leverages her dynamic experience as an exercise-to-music class instructor to captivate her audience. She engages them on a journey, presenting intriguing ideas and practical solutions with vibrant energy, humour, and polished methodology.

Anthea Armar

Speaker | Coach | Facilitator

With over 20 years of experience in facilitating growth for organisations and individuals, Anthea Armar is a catalyst for transformative change. Her engaging talks and hands-on workshops on leadership and communication empower young people, entrepreneurs, and professionals worldwide to build confidence, achieve clarity, and foster community - all through effective communication.

Anthea’s calmly energetic and quirky style captivates and educates her audience. Beyond speaking, she is a poet, amateur photographer, and a dedicated volunteer on her Toastmasters Committee. She is also a member of the Association of Business Mentors.

Join Anthea to experience how her down-to-earth approach and profound insights can inspire you to communicate you, your ideas and your boundaries more effectively and lead with confidence.

purpose driven entrepreneurs and life fulfilment

Finding and Fulfilling Purpose

Helping those are lost in the expectations of others to find their own purpose to fulfil, so they can create impact in the world. Exploring the different mediums that support their passions, skills and dreams to feel alive once more.

managing change in organisations people process technology and culture

Managing Change

Addressing the people, process and technological challenges to be faced by organisations undergoing change. Draws on concepts from change management, process improvement, people and culture.

confidence clarity and strategies for overwhelmed entrepreneurs without the need for social media

The Entrepreneurial Journey

Helping heart centred entrepreneurs build confidence, clarity and strategies so they can create the impact they are so passionate about. Utilising Amarkai Group's A.C.T. (Accept. Create. Transform) Framework for business success

growth mindset to build resiience

Adopting a Growth Mindset

Reframing thoughts to see challenges as opportunities resulting in increased motivation, performance and resilience. Utilising Amarkai Group's A.C.T. (Accept. Create. Transform) Framework for accelerated change.

mental health and wellbeing keynote speaker

Mental Health / Wellbeing

Looking at ways to create happy, healthy workforces that enable both people and businesses to thrive. Discussing topics such as burnout, stress, procrastination and building relationships.

leadership skills for business success


Exploring how leaders can inspire their teams to realise their fullest potential and enhance the success of their business through improving their own critical thinking, executive presence, time management and effective communication.

purpose driven entrepreneurs and life fulfilment

Finding and Fulfilling Purpose

Helping those are lost in the expectations of others to find their own purpose to fulfil, so they can create impact in the world. Exploring the different mediums that support their passions, skills and dreams to feel alive once more.

managing change in organisations people process technology and culture

Managing Change

Addressing the people, process and technological challenges to be faced by organisations undergoing change. Draws on concepts from change management, process improvement, people and culture.

confidence clarity and strategies for overwhelmed entrepreneurs without the need for social media

The Entrepreneurial Journey

Helping heart centred entrepreneurs build confidence, clarity and strategies so they can create the impact they are so passionate about. Utilising Amarkai Group's A.C.T. (Accept. Create. Transform) Framework for business success

Speaker Topics

Anthea's three key pillars centre around confidence, clarity and community, through the lens of communication. Here are the general topics Anthea speaks on, which are all designed to help your audience find their story, use their voice and create impact:

  • Confidence: Discovering your true identity and embracing who you are through mastering the art of self-belief.

  • Clarity: Develop clarity in thought and action to make informed decisions and achieve your goals.

  • Community: Building authentic personal and professional relationships that thrive on collaboration and mutual respect.

  • Communication/Public Speaking: Mastering the art of confidently expressing yourself, your ideas and your boundaries with maximum impact.

  • Leadership: Unlocking your leadership potential and leading with authenticity.

  • Motivation: Overcoming limiting beliefs, embracing change and igniting the drive within yourself and others to pursue and achieve success.

Every day is an opportunity to influence your customers, friends, career, family, business, life and the world. You must know yourself, show up and speak out if you want to create impact.


From conquering public speaking fears to mastering leadership skills, Anthea delivers engaging talks tailored to inspire and drive action. Some of her standout sessions include:

Breaking the silence - facing public speaking anxiety cover

Breaking the Silence: Speak Boldly, Fear Less

Fear of speaking in public remains one of the most common phobias, particularly in professional settings. This transformative session designed to equip you with the mindset and strategies necessary to overcome the fear of speaking out in any personal or professional situation. Drawing from personal experiences and sharing practical tools, you will be supported to turn silence into a powerful force for advocacy and change.

Audience: Ideal for individuals interested in public speaking, effective communication, and conquering fear or anxiety.

unleash your future confidence communication clarity career development keynote cover

Unleash Your Future

"Unleash Your Future" explores how young people can master their mindset and identity to boost their confidence, clarify their dreams without external influence and nurture relationships pivotal for achieving their goals. This will be a journey of self-discovery and empowerment to equip the next generation with the tools needed to navigate the ever evolving complexities of life.

Audience: Ideal for young people aged 14-25 who are contemplating their next steps in their education or career.

leadership skills for business success

I'll Take the Stairs

Exploring how leaders can inspire their teams to realise their fullest potential and enhance the success of their business through improving their own critical thinking, executive presence, time management and effective communication.

echoes of influence storytelling talk keynote cover

Echoes of Influence

Discover the transformative potential of words. When you adopt the right mindset and truly understand your message, you can choose the most effective medium to connect with others. Learn how to bring stories to life, captivate your audience, and wield your words to inspire change. Join us for an engaging exploration into the art of storytelling and the strategic use of communication to influence and motivate those around you.

Audience: Ideal for employees and small business owners wanting to influence customers and stakeholders.

i'll take the stairs career development leadership keynote cover

I'll Take the Stairs

You know you have what it takes to rise to the top. You work more than others to prove your worth, but overcoming challenges in the workplace has become your full-time job. "I'll Take The Stairs" takes Anthea's personal story, with a touch of humour, and demonstrates how the audience can become an unstoppable force in their career, paving the way for themselves and others to excel.

Audience: Ideal for career professionals aspiring to advance into leadership roles.

confidence clarity and strategies for overwhelmed entrepreneurs without the need for social media

The Entrepreneurial Journey

Helping heart centred entrepreneurs build confidence, clarity and strategies so they can create the impact they are so passionate about. Utilising Amarkai Group's A.C.T. (Accept. Create. Transform) Framework for business success

Also available for: Guest Panels, Career Talks, Webinars, Workshops, Conferences, Away Days and internal Leadership Programmes.

Keynotes and Speaking Engagements

This is where Anthea shines and you will benefit most from her expertise. Attending in person or online, depending on what the situation calls for, she will deliver a talk at summits, in social media groups, podcasts, conferences and within office spaces. The perfect opportunity for you to have a tailored and interactive session that will empower you and your team as well as inspire progressive change.

We have a selection of Speaking services to fit many needs, so… If you are looking to:

  • Build excitement
  • Increase confidence
  • Equip problem solvers
  • Empower productivity
  • Boost morale
  • Increase commitment
  • Inspire leadership
  • Transform lives…

Mindset for Success Video Series

The Mindset for Success Video Series is a 5-part video series used as part of onboarding into an organisation or programme. Speaking to the power of mindset in your circumstances and is based on the A.C.T. Framework.

This service is for those of you who have an ongoing number of people who may need the message, but your organisation want to minimise the cost of having Anthea attend to speak every time a new cohort starts.

How to A.C.T Workshop

This is an empowering workshop (online or face to face) exploring three steps to change your mindset in order to create success in life through action. We offer this service for organisations who may find value in a more interactive service, instead of a talk.

Improve your relationships by learning how to communicate more effectively in every area of your life.

Learn the 11 principles needed for highly effective leadership and become the dynamic leader you've always wanted to be.

Become more resilient by embracing the power of self growth and adopting a growth-oriented approach to life.

Some of the Other Workshops available

Some notable speaking engagements

See Anthea in action! Whether it's keynotes, videos, interviews or facilitation, her audience is engaged and her impact is felt.

Events shown: Working Options Symposium. Bacon's College - Paving the Way: Black History Icons. Duke of Edinburgh Awards: Youth Without Limits. Google Work Experience Week. Promoting Mental Health Awareness. Local Apprenticeship Day. International School of Helsinki - Thinking Ahead.

Working Options Symposium

Paving the Way - Black History

Google Experience Week

Mental Health Awareness

Improving Your Mental Health

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

How Do You Change Everyday Lives?

Inauguration Speech at TecXposition

The Unstoppable Success Accelerator

The Make-over Summit

About Anthea Armar - Speaker Bio

Anthea is an empowering, faith filled, international coach, speaker and learning consultant on a mission to educate, inspire and transform the minds of those desiring to create more impact in the world.

The face and founder of Amarkai Group, she utilises her 20 years’ experience working with an array of organisations, such as Reckitt Benckiser, Ernst & Young, Financial Times, Visa Europe, Serco, Unilever and Google Digital Garage, amongst others, to affect change in people, processes and technology.

A thought provoking, quirky, calmly energetic speaker, Anthea attracts attention, engagement and the occasional giggle from the get go, leaving you feeling inspired, awakened and eager to take action to level up.

With an understanding that your thoughts create your experience of the world, her mission is to challenge you to consider what would be possible, if your mind had no limits.

When not speaking, coaching or training, you will find Anthea cooking, creating or out with her camera, creating new perspectives.

Anthea Armar - Speaker Assets

Planning an event with Anthea? Access all the essential speaker assets you need to promote and prepare for Anthea's inspiring talks. Below, you'll find her bio, speaker sheet, and headshots, ready for download to ensure a seamless event experience:

  • Speaker Bio: Learn more about Anthea's journey and expertise.

  • Speaker Sheet: Get information on keynote topics and speaking credentials.

  • Headshots: Download high-resolution images for promotional use.

Feel free to use these resources to make your event planning as smooth as possible.

Get in touch with Anthea to inspire change today!

Book a call with Anthea to discuss your speaking engagement / workshop requirements.